Last updated 11/24/24
Phoenix Farm Exotic Bird +*B

2024 ADGA National Premier Sire
DOB: 3/23/16 Height: 23.5”
Dam: SGCH Phoenix Farm Summer Bird 4*M EEEE91
DD: SGCH NC Promiseland RC Bonnie 3*M VEEE91
DS: GCH AGS TX Twincreeks FAX Summerknight ++*B VEE90
Sire: Castle Rock Iceberg +*B
SD: GCH Castle Rock Black Ice 2*M EEEE92
SS: CRF Castle Rock Harvest Moon ++*B
Exotic is a very exciting cross of Phoenix Farm and Castle Rock that brings together a combination of exceptional dairyness, general appearance, udder structure and capacity. His dam has near ideal teat placement, with wonderful rear udder height, an exceptionally strong MSL, and wonderful overall general appearance. His sire’s dam is the coveted Black Ice, who was the 1st place Aged Doe and Nigerian Total Performer at the 2015 ADGA National Show, and also the aunt of the 2015 ADGA National Champion, CH Castle Rock Flash Flood VEEE91. Exotic himself is masculine, uphill, level and exhibits a long bone pattern. He adds exceptional production and udder texture to his daughters. Exotic easily earned his +B designation during the first year of having lactating daughters. Unfortunately Exotic’s right knee was broken by our old Alpine buck (whom is no longer on the premises, as this was not the first injury he caused, the other being him breaking the pelvis of our other Alpine buck who then had to be euthanized) so Exotic will no longer be able to show, which is a true shame because he matured beautifully, and we know he would do so well. At least his daughters are representing him very well in the ring as well as with milk numbers and appraisal scores, and he is still sound enough to live and breed comfortably.
Exotic daughters were well represented at the 2024 ADGA National Show earning the Premier Sire award. His daughters finish their championships easily, with seven daughters in our herd as of November 2024 finishing their championships. We can’t wait to continue with generations of Exotic get, grand-get and beyond.
Our LA sessions have resulted in multiple Exotic daughters scoring 90+. We are so so so pleased with this buck and feel so blessed to have him in our herd.
Exotic had the 4th place Sr Get-of-Sire at the 2021 and 2024 ADGA National Shows.
GCH Wood Bridge Farm Count on Me +*B VVE88

(3xGCH 3xBOB 1xBIS)
DOB: 4/24/17 Height: 22.5”
Dam: GCH Wood Bridge Farm CountNBlessngs 1*M VEEV89
DD: CH Wood Bridge Farm Xoleeta VVEE90
DS: Old Mountain Farm Nightshade
Sire: CH Wood Bridge Farm Undeniable
SD: CH Atwood Acres Dott
SS: CH Wood Bridge Farm Understated VEE89
Count is a buck we were thrilled to add to the herd as a kid. His dam, CountNBlessns, is a stunning doe who has everything we strive to produce. She was the 1st place yearling milker at the 2016 ADGA National Show and has blossomed into an incredible aged doe. Count himself has a strong front end assembly with excellent brisket extension, good spring of rib, width and depth of barrel, and walks on strong, straight legs, with upright pasterns. He is long and flat boned throughout, especially in the rump area. Count was undefeated as a Jr buck, taking Jr Champion every time he entered the ring. He has matured into a deep, powerful buck with a very strong head (scored Excellent) and big, flaring nostrils. His offspring all have very stylish general appearance and as the stunning udders continue to develop, we can’t wait for the future of this buck’s get.
Count very easily finished his championship as a two year old buck in the first ring of the first buck show of the 2020 season, with judge Tom Cox stating “I just love everything about him.” We couldn’t agree more.
The udders that Count is putting on his daughters are just truly incredible. Not only that, he is stamping his daughters with CONSISTENCY! This buck has by far exceeded our expectations, and we believe he is setting a new standard for the breed! He has 8 finished daughters in our herd as of November 2024 as well as numerous daughters in other herds! To date, he has sired EIGHT 90+ does in our herd with 3 of them being 92’s!! Count is currently (11/21/24) the breed leader for RUH, averaging 38.6 and tied for 2nd in RUA, averaging 35.6!!!
Count’s daughters performed exceptionally well at the 2021 ADGA National show. He sired the 3rd/3rd udder 3yo, Darlin Diva, the 8th place 2yo, Stella, the 6th place yearling milker, Snow Boots, and the 9th place Jr yearling, Pumpkin Pie. In 2022, 5 Count get made the Top 20. In 2024 Starla was 5th place 5-6 year old and his granddaughter, Winning Streak O Eleanor Rigby won RESERVE NATIONAL CHAMPION DOE!!!
GCH Streak CM Countn Ordrs *B

Sire of 2024 ADGA National Reserve Champion Doe
(3xGCH 3xBOB 4xRsGCH)
DOB: 1/6/20
Dam: GCH Phoenix Farm Ida Special Order 1*M VEEE91
DD: SG Old Mountain Farm Ida Hot One
DS: Poppy Patch SM Johnny Depp
Sire: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Count on Me +*B VVE88
SD: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Countnblessns 1*M VEEV89
SS: CH Wood Bridge Farm Undeniable
“Major” is a from the cross that we hoped would produce our next herdsire, and that is just what happened. We are so thrilled to combine these genetics to make this elite guy. He has big big big shoes to fill, and we have no doubt that he will fill that role in well. At his first show (as a yearling) he was awarded a Reserve Champion win, right behind his paternal brother who took grand, and over very many other stunning older bucks. We love this young buck.
Major’s first daughter, GCH Winning Streak O Eleanor Rigby 3*M, freshened in spring 2022 and became everything we expected her to be, including the 2024 ADGA RESERVE NATIONAL CHAMPION DOE!!! His kids are stylish, long, level, open, have incredibly flat rumps from thurl to thurl, and escutcheons to die for leading to udders that are socked on. This buck is going to be a game changer for our herd, and we can’t wait to see where he takes us.
He earned his first GCH leg as a 2yo buck at the same show that his 10 month old SON (below) earned his first leg as well! He finished his GCH as a 3 year old.
Major has excellent quality semen (79% post thaw) available at the rate of $750/5. Let this buck take your herd to new heights!
GCH Winning Streak O Remarkable *B EVV89

(7xJrCH 3xGCH 3xBOB)
DOB: 5/30/2021
Dam: GCH Winning Streak EOT Amazing 5*M EEEE91
DD: Fuji Farm FFS Macy 4*M
DS: GCH Alethia CTO Eye of the Tiger +*B
Sire: GCH Winning Streak CM Countn Ordrs *B
SD: GCH Phoenix Farm Ida Special Order 1*M VEEE91
SS: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Count on Me +*B VVE88
We’ve been on the lookout for another ELITE herdsire, and then its dawned on us…why not create our own? We combined the greatest animals in our herd (and dare we say…the breed) to create what we feel is going to be the start of a new era in the Nigerian Dwarf breed. Remi is everything we hoped for and more. Genetically he represents everything that the Winning Streak herd is, and phenotypically we feel he is where this breed is headed.
Remi’s daughters began freshening in 2024 and definitely did not disappoint
Remi, at 10 months old while earning his 7th Jr Champion buck title, then managed to BEAT OUT THE SR CHAMPION for his 1st GCH/BOB leg!! Remi went on to finish his GCH as a 2 year old.
Winning Streak EB Flawless *B

2x GCH, 1x BOB DOB: 3/8/19
Dam: GCH Winning Streak EOT Amazing 5*M EEEE91
DD: Fuji Farm FFS Macy 4*M
DS: GCH Alethia CTO Eye of the Tiger +*B
Sire: Phoenix Farm Exotic Bird +*B
SD: SGCH Phoenix Farm Summer Bird 4*M EEEE91
SS: Castle Rock Iceberg +*B
Winning Streak EB Star-Dom

DOB: 1/13/23
Dam: GCH Winning Streak CM Starla 2*M EEEE92 DD: Egidio WL Celesta 1*M VEEV88 DS: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Count on Me +*B VVE88
Sire: Phoenix Farm Exotic Bird +*B
SD: SGCH Phoenix Farm Summer Bird 4*M EEEE91
SS: Castle Rock Iceberg +*B
GCH 3G Family Farm FR Perseus *B EEV90

(3xCH 3xBOB) DOB: 5/15/2021
Dam: GCH 3G Family Farm WM Persephone 2*M VEEE91
DD: SGCH Castle Rock Cleopatra 1*M VEEE90
DS: TX Twincreeks RM Watermark ++*B
Sire: Lil Miss B Haven Fearless CQ *B
SD: GCH Lil Miss B Haven Francesca 3*M VEEE90
SS: Old Mountain Farm Cyrus Quinn +*B (1st pl Sr Get of Sire at the 2018 ADGA NS and sire of the 2021 ADGA National Champion)
Winning Streak R Heir To Order * B

DOB: 5/21/23
Dam: GCH Phoenix Farm Ida Special Order 1*M VEEE91
DD: SG Old Mountain Farm Ida Hot One
DS: Poppy Patch SM Johnny Depp
Sire: GCH Winning Streak O Remarkable *B EVV89 SD: GCH Winning Streak EOT Amazing 5*M EX91 SS: GCH Winning Streak CM Countn Ordrs *B
Winning Streak R Heir To Order (“Harry”) is such an incredibly special buck kid that we simply cannot wait to use here. Phoenix Farm Ida Special Order is one of the matriarchs we are beyond blessed to have in our herd. We decided to let her be bred one last time since she was so vibrant for her age, and she kept driving us crazy with her “Please let me go play with the boys” behaviors.
Order delivered this healthy buck kid by CH Winning Streak O Remarkable *B on the day before her TWELFTH birthday then went right back to strutting around the doe pen like a boss.
If that’s not longevity at its finest!!
Harry is a line breeding on Order also carrying the genetics from GCH Winning Streak EOT Amazing 5*M and GCH Wood Bridge Farm Count On Me +*B. He is such an exciting culmination of the foundations our herd has been built on.
Hilltown Meadows Dalton Knight *B

DOB: 4/15/24
Dam: GCH Old Mountain Farm Dalton Quinn DD: SG Old Mountain farm Mila Quinn 4*M DS: Old Mountain farm JustPlainED
Sire: Wolfivan KB Count N Chrome SD: Desert Skylines Cowboy Boogie SS: Wolfivan CQ Kentucky Bourbon
Hilltown Meadows Show Biz * B
DOB: 1/26/23
Dam: Kindred Souls AT Emma Claire 1*M VVEE90 DD: Sugar Moon NS Violet DS: Proctor Hill Farm Atlantis *B
Sire: Top Hat Farm CF Bruno *B SD: Top Hat Farms Biscayne 1*M VEEE90 SS: Proctor Hill Farm Count Fleet +*B
“Biz” is a FULL SIBLING to the 2022 ADGA National Champion Jr Doe, Hilltown Meadows Demi Plie.
For years I have been on the hunt to bring in some new genetics that could bring in those exceptional rumps like we had on our Alpines. While at the 2022 Nationals, I noticed some rumps that jumped out at me. It turns out they were herd mates to Biz. I cannot wait to see the combination of our does with “Biz”!