Senior does
Last updated 11/27/24
Winning Streak CM Exotic Jewel

DOB: 3/9/22
Dam: Winning Streak EB Exotic Rose 4*M VV+E88 (FF) (1xGCH 1xBIS)
DD: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Hnysucklerose 3*M
DS: Phoenix Farm Exotic Bird +*B
Sire: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Count on Me +*B VVE88
SD: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Countnblessns 1*M VEEV89
SS: CH Wood Bridge Farm Undeniable
“Jewels” not only earned her Jr leg easily, but she also earned her first milking leg as a YEARLING FF under Cameron Judlowski (She was RCH under Travis Cockburn at the same show)!! WOW 2 yellow and black ribbons as a YEARLING!!!!
Jewels is smooth, level and correct in feet and legs with a socked on udder. I see a bright future ahead of her!
We loved this doe so much that we bought back her dam from the Regal Wood dispersal along with Jewels 2 younger sisters (full siblings).
Winning Streak EB Exotic Rose 4*M VV+E 88 (FF)

(1xGCH 1xBIS)
DOB: 1/6/20
Dam: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Hnysucklerose 3*M
DD: Wood Bridge Farm Unclouded Day 2*M
DS: CH Wood Bridge Farm Iceberg Legacy *B
Sire: Phoenix Farm Exotic Bird +*B
SD: SGCH Pheonix Farm Summer Bird 4*M EEEE91
SS: Castle Rock Iceberg +*B
“Darby” fell ill with Polio shortly after being weaned, and it was a long road to nurse her back to health. She is thriving now and our excitement continues to grow with her each day. She is the result of a close line breeding on SGCH Pheonix Farm Summer Bird 4*M EEEE91. We hope this little girl will follow in Bird’s hoofsteps.
Darby earned her Jr leg at one of her first shows under judge Lorelei Hallock who commented on her dairy strength, angularity, length of body, spring of rib, and high, wide escutcheon. Darby wasn’t done there, and instead decided that she’d like to add a BEST JR DOE IN SHOW win under her belt too! This win meant so much for us since we weren’t ever sure if she would have a successful show career after her difficult “kid-hood”.
We sold Darby to Regal Wood when we were making some very hard cuts in 2022, but after seeing how nice Winning Streak CM Exotic Jewels freshened, we brought her and her 2 2023 doe kids by Count back home.
SDG Poptart’s Penelope 5*M EEEE90

(1xGCH 1xBDIS)
DOB: 3/20/2020
Dam: Hidden Palms SK Cherry Poptart
DD: Hidden Palm’s JD Pop Rocks
DS: Old Mountain Farm Stag Knight
Sire: Phoenix Farm Exotic Bird +*B
SD: SGCH Phoenix Farm Summer Bird 4*M EEEE91
SS: Castle Rock Iceberg +*B
Penelope, her sister Lollipop, and their dam came to us late 2021 to help out a friend who was needing to quickly downsize some. We saw no harm in bringing in a couple Exotic daughter with some fun new lines we’ve never incorporated before. Penelope is open and angular, shows nice length of body, a nicely arched flank, and substantial width through her loin into her rump. We are both excited and intrigued to see how her mammary develops as she is bred to freshen in 2022.
Winning Streak O Summer Snow

DOB: 6/29/21
Dam: GCH Winning Streak EB Snow Bunny 1*M VEEE90
DD: Farm Oldesouth Blu Snow Angel
DS: Phoenix Farm Exotic Bird +*B
Sire: GCH Winning Streak CM Countn Ordrs *B
SD: GCH Phoenix Farm Ida Special Order 1*M VEEE91
SS: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Count on Me +*B VVE88
Summer left us as a bottle kid but we saw enough potential in her to bring her back home as a 3 year old. We look forward to having her freshen here and become part of our 2025 show string.
Winning Streak O Inkredible 6*M VVVV88 (FF)

DOB: 5/30/2021
Dam: GCH Winning Streak EOT Amazing 5*M EEEE91
DD: Fuji Farm FFS Macy 4*M
DS: GCH Alethia CTO Eye of the Tiger +*B
Sire: GCH Winning Streak CM Countn Ordrs *B
SD: GCH Phoenix Farm Ida Special Order 1*M VEEE91
SS: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Count on Me +*B VVE88
“Inky” is one of the products of the royal Mazy/Major crosses. Her brother Remarkable effortlessly earned his GCH, and her sister earned her GCH at her first show as a 2F with BIS wins under both judges. Inky left as a yearling FF to Regal Wood Acres and returned to us as a 3 year old when Regal Wood sadly dispersed. We look forward to having another AMAZING daughter on our show string for 2025.
Inky is smooth throughout with an “inkredibly” wide flat rump. Her dairyness is exhibited with her uphill stature, tremendous spring of rib, flat bones and buttery soft pliable skin. We are excited to have her freshen
Winning Streak R Button Rose

DOB: 5/5/22
Dam: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Hnysucklerose 3*M DD: Wood Bridge Farm Unclouded Day 2*M DS: GCH Phoenix Farm Icebird Legacy +*B
Sire: GCH Winning Streak O Remarkable *B EVV89 (1-11) SD: GCH Winning Streak EOT Amazing 5*M EX91 SS: GCH Winning Streak CM Countn Ordrs *B
“Buttons” is our first fresh daughter of Remarkable and to say we are pleased is an understatement. She’s extremely long and powerful while maintaining dairy quality. She’s correct in her feet and legs with that perfectly shaped udder like her dam.
We are excited to have her on our show string for 2025 as a second freshener!
Hidden Palms SK Cherry Poptart EEEV90

DOB: 3/31/18
Dam: Hidden Palms JD Pop Rocks 3*M DD: SGCH Hidden Palms AM Skittles 2*M VEEE90 DS: GCH Farm Oldesouth SD James Dean ++*B
Sire: Old Mountain Farm Stag Knight *B VEE88 SD: SG NC Promisedland Nemesis 2*M VEEE90 SS: SG Old Mountain Farm Stag ++*B VEE88
Poptart and her two daughters, Lollipop and Penelope, came to us late 2021 to help out a friend who was downsizing their herd. We normally don't bring in adult does, but we were so happy with Lollipop and Penelope that we decided to keep their dam to repeat the cross.
After freshening Poptart ourselves and seeing her daughters freshen, we are thrilled that we have her and everything she has to offer. She is one of our most powerful does and contains so much depth and width throughout. We appreciate her beautiful long, wedge- shaped body that stands on a strong and correct set of feet and legs. Look at that Brisket!!!!!! Her rump is equally impressive - wide and flat!
Her production is as expected from a Hidden Palms doe. Poptart produced 1560 pounds of milk with 8.85% butterfat in 305 days.
Winning Streak O Ivy League

(1xJrCH 1xBIS)
DOB: 11/15/2021
Dam: Winning Streak EB Poison Ivy (1xGCH)
DD: GCH Winning Streak CM Marvelous 7*M EEEE92
DS: Phoenix Farm Exotic Bird +*B
Sire: GCH Winning Streak CM Countn Ordrs *B
SD: GCH Phoenix Farm Ida Special Order 1*M VEEE91
SS: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Count on Me +*B VVE88
“Penni” ooozes dairyness with her uphill stature, angularity and soft buttery skin. In addition, she is long, level and stands on correct feet and legs. Her FF mammary was well shaped, socked onto her body and milked out effortlessly to nothing.
She will definitely be a player as a 2F on our 2025 show team!!
Winning Streak R Zenyatta

(1xJrCH 1xBIS)
DOB: 1/8/23
Dam: GCH Winning Streak CM Elegance 3*M EEEE92
DD: GCH Winning Streak EB Elsie 2*M
DS: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Count on Me +*B
Sire: GCH Winning Streak O Remarkable *B EVV89 (1-11) SD: GCH Winning Streak EOT Amazing 5*M EX91 SS: GCH Winning Streak CM Countn Ordrs *B
Winning Streak R DollopOfDaisy

DOB: 3/13/23
Dam: GCH Winning Streak CM Darlin’ Diva 7*M VEVE91 DD: GCH Phoenix Farm Deviant Berg 6*M VEEE91 DS: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Count on Me +*B VVE88
Sire: GCH Winning Streak O Remarkable *B EVV89 (1-11) SD: GCH Winning Streak EOT Amazing 5*M EX91 SS: GCH Winning Streak CM Countn Ordrs *B
Winning Streak CM Darlin Doll

DOB: 3/7/20
Dam: GCH Winning Streak CM Darlin’ Diva 7*M VEVE91 DD: Phoenix Farm Deviant Berg 6*M DS: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Count on Me +*B VVE88
Sire: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Count on Me +*B VVE88
SD: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Countnblessns 1*M VEEV89
SS: CH Wood Bridge Farm Undeniable
“Doll” is another doe we wanted to bring back home after leaving as a kid. She returned bred to Agape’s Prize Paradise City (we have 1 buck kid left available). She is now confirmed bred to Flawless for February kids.
Doll is the product of an unplanned line breeding back to her sire. Luckily it worked.
Winning Streak CM Confection +VV+83

(1xGCH 1xBIS)
DOB: 11/10/2020
Dam: Winning Streak EB Perfection 6*M
DD: GCH Winning Streak EOT Amazing 5*M EEEE91
DS: Phoenix Farm Exotic Bird +*B
Sire: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Count on Me +*B VVE88
SD: GCH Wood Bridge Farm CountnBlessns 2*M VEEV89
SS: CH Wood Bridge Farm Undeniable
“Connie” is easily one of our most exciting jr does this year. Being a cross of Count over one of our favorite up and coming yearling milkers Perfection, we are SO excited for this young doe. She earned her dry leg as an under 6mo old kid under Anne Clagette, who said during her selection for best in show “I fell in love with this doe during her breed, and seeing her out here with all the other breeds, I fell in love with her all over again…the Nigerian Dwarf is your BEST JR DOE IN SHOW.” We see a bright future ahead for this little doe!