The goats below have had an irreplaceable impact on our herd, and our hearts. Whether lost far too soon, sold to better another herd, or passing peacefully of old age, we owe the success of our herd to these animals and are eternally grateful to them.
GCH Winning Streak EOT Amazing 5*M EEEE91 (Deceased)

(4xSrGCH 4xBOB 2xBIS 1x BUIS 1xSrRCH)
Dam: Fuji Farm FFS Macy 4*M
DD: Odeon ATS Michael 3*M
DS: Fuji Farm RTR Samsun *B
Sire: CH Alethia CTO Eye of the Tiger
SD: CH Alethia CTO Eye of the Sky
SS: Alethia CTO Just Dew It +*B
“Mazy” was truly the whole package. She showed, she milked, and she did it all with ease. She was the first doe born here on the farm, and she exceeded any expectations we had ever set for her. Mazy made her milker show ring debut as a 3yo 2F in May 2018, and picked up two legs, including a Best in Show. At ADGA Nationals later that year, Mazy went on to be 2nd place youth/10th place open 3yr old milker out of 50+ does, and finally Mazy finished off her championship in November of the same year, being over 8 months fresh, pulling another BIS in the process. Judge Richard Grossman stated shortly before awarding her that BIS win, “This doe just nails every single part of the scorecard perfectly.” Mazy is an incredibly dairy doe, she is sharp, angular, long and lean. She has a well attached, very capacious mammary system that milks down to nothing and has notable height of rear udder as well. Mazy peaked at just over 6lbs of milk per day during her 2018 lactation, and finished with milking 1,220lbs of milk in a mere 260 days. Mazy is also the maternal niece of the 2019 ADGA RESERVE NATIONAL CHAMPION SR DOE.
At our 2020 LA session, Mazy scored Excellent EEEE91, with a 42 in rear udder height.
We couldn’t be happier to see what Mazy produced for our herd. Don’t miss the kids from her “AMAZING” sons that we use heavily and daughters located on our doe pages!
We lost this “Amazing” doe in 2024 to what the vets originally diagnosed as upper thoracic cancer via ultrasound. Necropsy results contradicted their findings and indicated the mass was actually extensive scarring from trauma, most likely caused by another goat head butting her rib cage. The loss of this foundation doe was an immeasurable tragedy for us.
GCH Phoenix Farm Ida Special Order 1*M VEEE91 (Retired)

(3xGCH, 4xBOB 1xBIS)
DOB: 5/16/2011
Dam: Old Mountain Farm Ida Hot One +V++83
DD: AGS Enchanted Hill Ida
DS: NC Promiseland SS Hot Stuff ++*B +VV85
Sire: Poppy Patch SM Johnny Depp
SD: Poppy Patch RC Kitty Foyle
SS: MI Sugarcreek WK Sally’s Max *B
Wow, what to write about a doe this special. Order is a doe we have admired for long time, and we were just thrilled to have added this beautiful girl to our herd. This doe is what we strive to breed for, dairiness, strength, smoothness of blending throughout, capacity throughout, with a near perfect mammary system, and LONGEVITY. Not much we would change about this gorgeous doe. Order is the dam to our herdsires, Winning Streak CM CountnOrders AND Winning Streak R Heir To Order. Order is so very special to us, and we just love her more than words can say.
We brought Order out as a almost 10yo 9th freshener to the 2021 South Florida Fair and she really took it home. She beat out her daughter who was GCH for the day and went Best of Breed, but she wasn’t finished there. Order went BEST SR DOE IN SHOW over some truly stunning other does.
GCH Winning Streak CM Elegance 3*M EEEE92 (Deceased)

(3xGCH 2xBOB 1xBIS 3xRGCH )
DOB: 6/7/19
Dam: Winning Streak EB Elsie 2*M
DD: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Pippin Alice 1*M
DS: Phoenix Farm Exotic Bird +*B
Sire: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Count on Me +*B VVE88
SD: GCH Wood Bridge Farm CountnBlessns 2*M VEEV89
SS: CH Wood Bridge Farm Undeniable
Ella certainly lived up to her name. She was younger than all of the others in her age group, but made up for it with her striking elegance as she moved about. She was long, with a correctly sloping rump and plenty of width throughout and she carried that width down between her hocks. She was sharp and angular while remaining smoothly blended. Ella freshened for the first time with a single and beautifully correct mammary system. It had a lovely shape, a strong medial, and super duper fore udder extension, and her udder only improved with her subsequent freshenings where she added incredible capacity!
We lost our beloved Ella from complications of that dreaded tangled up giant single buck. She will be forever memorialized through her siblings and offspring here.
Egidio WL Celesta 1*M LA VEEV88 2019 (Deceased)
DOB: 2/6/15
Dam: Trilogy Ranch MH Honey Beat
DD: GCH Algedi Farm DH Melodica 1*M EEEE91
DS: SG Algedi Farm MB Manuka Honey ++*B
Sire: Trilogy Ranch Whiskey Lullaby
SD: CH Algedi Farm D Capella VEEE91
SS: Algedi Farm Sizzlin’ Hot Honey *B
Celesta was a lovely cross of some excellent animals, who exceled in general appearance and dairy strength. Long, lean neck, with a flat bone pattern throughout and soft, pliable skin. Celesta stood on an ideal set of feet and legs, with elbows held tightly to her body. Her mammary was well attached and very capacious, and during her 2018 lactation she milked just under 1000lbs. Our sweet Celesta continued to outproduce herself over and over again, and did it very well. At our 2020 linear appraisal, Celesta appraised with an E in mammary system and a 40 in rear udder height, the second highest rear udder height score in the herd!
We lost our beloved Celesta in the fall of 2020. Her legacy will live on through her daughters, grand daughters, and great grand daughters in our herd. She was a very special doe who has left a huge hole in the herd and our hearts.
GCH Phoenix Farm Summer Tune 1*M VEEE90 (Retired)

(3xGCH, 3xBOB, 1xBIS, 2xRGCH)
DOB: 3/6/2012
Dam: Poppy Patch JC Melody
DD: Poppy Patch Rhapsody in Blue
DS: Poppy Patch RC Jiminy Cricket
Sire: GCH AGS TX Twincreeks FAX Summerknight ++*B VEE90
SD: AGS TX Twin Creeks Midsumernitedream 1*M EEEE91
SS: AGS TX Twin Creeks WB ShadowFax EEE91 +B
We were thrilled to bring Tunes home along with Order and Candy. Tunes is a very dairy doe who is is sharp, angular, and wedgey. She is deep and powerful, yet refined and feminine. Tunes has a snugly attached mammary system with a super long, smoothly blended fore udder. She has a long bone pattern throughout, especially in the area of the rump, which is also flat from thurl to thurl.
GCH Wood Bridge Farm Pippin Alice 1*M (Retired)

(3xGCH, 3xBOB, 1xBIS, 1xRGCH)
DOB 1/25/11
Dam: Wood Bridge Farm Bliss
DD: CH Wood Bridge Farm Well Honeybun EVEE90
DS: NC Promiseland Pablo Abednego *B
Sire: GCH Rosasharn UMT Pippin +*B
SD: Rosasharn TL Arwen 2*M VEEE90
SS: SG Rosasharn Under My Thumb ++*B
An oldie but a goodie, Alice is a stunning doe. She excels in general appearance being long bodied, flat boned, and smoothly blended throughout. Alice is a neat cross of outstanding animals from Wood Bridge Farm and Rosasharn, and it shows. Alice is the daughter of GCH Rosasharn UMT Pippin +*B, an outstanding buck who sired 10 CH does, including the dam of the 2x ADGA National Champion, Wood Bridge Farm Belladonna, CH Wood Bridge Farm Wisabella. She is deep bodied and powerful, without loosing any femininity. She stands on exceptional feet and legs, and has a nice capacious mammary.
She had more than earned her retirement after leaving us with a legacy that led to the 2024 ADGA Reserve National Champion doe, Winning Streak O Eleanor Rigby (granddaughter of Alice).
GCH Winning Streak LJ Madeline 5*M LA VEEE90 (Retired)

(3xGCH(1xJr), 3xBOB, 1xBIS)
DOB: 2/9/2016
Dam: Fuji Farm FFS Macy 4*M
DD: Odeon ATS Michael 3*M
DS: Fuji Farm RTR Samsun *B
Sire: Alethia DJ Laced with Jupiter
SD: Algedi Farm MH Moonlace
SS: GCH Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter ++*B EEE91
Maddie is another favorite on the farm. Partly for her sweet, gentle demeanor, but largely for her striking general appearance, and ultra-correct mammary system. She finished in 2019 as a third freshening 3 year old. Maddie is a maternal sister to our doe Amazing, and they certainly share many similarities. Maddie is long, refined, smoothly blended with an exceptional front end. Her mammary is tightly socked on to a high, wide escutcheon with a fore attachement that blends smoothly into her body wall. She defines grace and beauty, and as I quote from judge Will Pearson, who gave Maddie GCH and BIS at the 2019 Florida State Fair over 600 other does, “She is breed defining. You don’t see does like this out there because she is special, this is where the Nigerian breed is heading.” We couldn’t agree more. Maddie is also the maternal niece of the 2019 ADGA RESERVE NATIONAL CHAMPION SR DOE.
After 2 rough kiddings leading to C-sections, we decided to retire her and let her live out her life here with her friends.
Winning Streak CM Rosalie (Sold)

DOB: 2/21/2019
Dam: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Hnysucklerose 3*M
DD: Wood Bridge Farm Unclouded Day 2*M
DS: CH Wood Bridge Farm Iceberg Legacy *B
Sire: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Count on Me +*B VVE88
SD: GCH Wood Bridge Farm CountnBlessns 2*M VEEV89
SS: CH Wood Bridge Farm Undeniable
Allie is a really lovely doe who only left because she didn’t have a future as a show doe due to an uneven mammary and mild intermittent lameness. She was sold to Morgan Price in early 2022 who plans to put her on milk test.
Winning Streak EB Poison Ivy (Sold)

DOB: 11/07/2020
Dam: GCH Winning Streak CM Marvelous 6*M
DD: GCH Winning Streak EOT Amazing 5*M EEEE91
DS: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Count on Me +*B VVE88
Sire: Phoenix Farm Exotic Bird +*B
SD: SGCH Phoenix Farm Summer Bird 4*M EEEE91
SS: Castle Rock Iceberg +*B\
“Ivy” is a daughter of two of our favorite animals in the herd. She has been a standout since the day she was born, and that hasn’t changed a bit. She earned her Jr leg as a young 0-6mo kid, and was honorable mention for BIS. She excels in general appearance and dairy strength, being so open and angular throughout and showing us lovely length of bone throughout. The thing that ALWAYS stood out about Ivy as a kid was her unreal escutcheon that even as a dry, unbred Jr was showing “webbing” attachments with beautiful teat placement and length.
Ivy kidded easily as a very young yearling, and has everything we are looking for in a FF mammary system. It has a lovely shape about it, beautiful medial, correctly placed teats as well as super desirable, collapsible texture. She is one of my favorites to milk by hand, the milk expresses so easily out of long teats with open orifices, and once emptied you are left with soft, supple skin and minimal tissue.
GCH Winning Streak CM Pumpkin Pie (Sold)

DOB: 10/31/2020
Dam: GCH Winning Streak LJ Madeline 5*M VEEE90
DD: Fuji Farm FFS Macy 4*M
DS: Alethia DJ Laced with Jupiter
Sire: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Count on Me +*B VVE88
SD: GCH Wood Bridge Farm CountnBlessns 2*M VEEV89
SS: CH Wood Bridge Farm Undeniable
Pumpkin is such a stunning doe kid. She was one of tiny quads that Maddie delivered where only her and one brother (Magic Man, owned by Chickadee Farm) survived. We weren’t sure how well she would catch up given that she was half the size of kids younger than her for so long. But man oh man she did not disappoint! She excels in every area of the scorecard and although no animal is perfect, we find it hard to pick any obvious fault in this kid. We just love everything about her, from her ultra correct set of feet and legs, to her powerfully deep, wide, and well sprung barrel, to her beautifully balanced head that is strong yet feminine with open and flaring nostrils. This doe is our ideal example of what a junior dairy doe should look like.
Pumpkin was the 9th place Jr yearling at the 2021 ADGA National Show, even though she easily stood 2-3” shorter than all the other does in the class. We are so impressed with this girl.
Winning Streak O Avox Girl (Sold)

DOB: 2/25/2021
Dam: Winning Streak EB Foxface (1xGCH)
DD: GCH Phoenic Farm Ida SpecialFX 2*M
DS: Phoenix Farm Exotic Bird +*B
Sire: Winning Streak CM Countn Ordrs *B (1xGCH 1xBOB)
SD: GCH Phoenix Farm Ida Special Order 1*M VEEE91
SS: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Count on Me +*B VVE88
Roxy is a stellar little doe. Her dam was one of my favorite FF in 2021 and her sire is our young buck Countn Ordrs. Roxy is linebred on our own GCH Phoenix Farm Ida Special Order 1*M VEEE91 and looks to be following closely in her hoofsteps! Her escutcheon is looking so promising, with lovely teat placement and a wide, rounded arch. She will be bred to be a yearling milker for the 2022 ADGA National Show. She is one to watch!